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Discipline Policies

All students are expected to adhere to the school’s rules and regulations. For an initial misbehavior, students will receive a verbal warning, offering them a chance to reflect on and change their negative behavior. If the misbehavior occurs a second time, a second warning will be issued, and the parent will be notified. On a third instance, the student will face a penalty based on the nature of the infraction, and a meeting with the parent will be arranged to address the student’s behavior and discuss potential solutions. In more severe cases, the principal may determine that out-of-school suspension is necessary.

Tardiness or Incomplete Assignments : 

1st Instance: A verbal warning will be issued to the student.

2nd Instance: The student will receive a break detention, and parents will be notified.

3rd Instance: Parents will be summoned for a conference, during which a warning will be issued for continued tardiness or incomplete assignments.

In-School Suspension: The student will attend school as scheduled but will be seated in a designated area, apart from the classroom, to complete assigned tasks. All teachers will provide the student with the relevant materials covered that day.

Out-of-School Suspension: The student will be required to stay home for the entirety of the school day.

Dress Code Violation

The student will receive a verbal warning, and the parent will be informed of the violation.

Parents will be contacted to pick up the student from school.

The student’s attendance will be suspended until the parents demonstrate a commitment to ensuring compliance with the dress code.

Bringing Personal Items

Students are not allowed to bring non-school-related items, such as phones and tablets, as these will be confiscated and must be retrieved by a parent. If it is necessary for a student to bring a mobile phone, a request must be submitted to the front office. In this case, the phone will be handed over to the stage deputy and can be collected upon leaving school.


The student will receive a verbal warning and will be required to clean up the litter they threw.

Break detention.

Obscene Language/Bullying or Aggression

The student will face detention and must sign a pledge to refrain from further incidents.

Parents will be contacted.

A parent conference will be scheduled.

Internal suspension may be imposed.

Out-of-school suspension may be necessary.

Breaking Bus Regulations

The student will receive a verbal warning.

Parents will be contacted.

The student will be deprived of bus services for one day. If the violation is repeated, the student will be prohibited from using bus services for the remainder of the year.

School Property Sabotage

The student will serve break detention and be required to clean up the mess caused.

If the damage is irreversible, the student will face internal suspension until the parent pays for the repairs.

Viewing or Downloading Unauthorized Material/Playing Games

The student will receive an out-of-school suspension for 1 to 3 days, depending on the severity of the violation.

Teacher Disrespect and Session Disruption

The student will be excluded from a PE session and assigned specific tasks; the parent will be notified.

Parents will be contacted.

A parent conference will be scheduled.

In-school suspension may be enforced.

Out-of-school suspension may be applied.

Copyright Infringement/Plagiarism

In the case of cheating, the student will receive a zero and will not be allowed to retake the test.

In cases of plagiarism or copying assignments, the student will be required to resubmit the assignment according to a schedule provided by the teacher.

Internal suspension may be imposed.

Teacher Disrespect and Session Disruption

Deprive of a PE session and is assigned tasks, parent is to be notified.

Contact parents.

Parent conference.

In-school suspension.

Out of school suspension.

Copy Rights Infringement/Plagiarism

a. In case of cheating, the student gets a zero and will not allowed to retake the test.

b. In case of plagiarism and copying of assignments; the student will be asked to resubmit the assignment according to a schedule provided by the teacher.

Internal suspension.


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