Healthcare and Security
Student Health Care
- The school provides health services that include first aid and emergency medical treatment. The health office is supervised by a doctor throughout the school day.
- If a student requires medical care or first aid, the school doctor will render the necessary services and inform the parent. The parent can then choose to either pick up their child from school or allow the child to remain until the end of the school day.
- In cases where a student is feeling unwell, the doctor will promptly contact the parents to make arrangements for the student’s transfer to a hospital with parental permission. In emergency situations or when immediate medical treatment is necessary, the student will be transferred to the nearest healthcare center.
Safety and Security
- Exit plans are prominently displayed in all school corridors, classrooms, and offices to provide guidance.
- Evacuation drills are conducted each term. Both staff and students receive training on how to respond and the procedures to follow in the event of emergencies or fires.
Unassigned Areas
Students are not permitted to be in the following areas without permission or the supervision of a teacher:
- Snack shop during class time
- Washrooms
- Reception area
- Administration offices
- Swimming pools
- Gymnasium
Play should only occur in designated playground areas.