Admission Requirements
To gain admission, all students must pass an admission test appropriate for the grade they wish to enter. The Admission Team evaluates each applicant’s acceptance based on their previous school records and the placement assessment conducted at the time of application to determine their potential for success within MBIS School’s program. The final decision regarding acceptance or denial rests with the Principal and the General Director.
Parents are required to provide the following documents:
• An original computerized copy of the birth certificate.
• A copy of the child’s vaccination or medical fitness certificate.
• Certified copies of attested academic records or the final report from the previous school.
Please note that parental requests for student placement in specific classes or with particular teachers are not accepted.
Age Requirements for Enrollment
• Pre-K: 3 years old before October 1st of the current year.
• KG1: 3.5 years old before October 1st of the current year.
• KG2: 4.5 years old before October 1st of the current year.
• Grade 1: 6 years old before October 1st of the current year.