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School Days and Hours

  • The academic year at BIS typically runs from early September to late June and is divided into three semesters. Each semester concludes with a one- or two-week break. Throughout each semester, students engage in ongoing assessment, including regular quizzes and a comprehensive set of term examinations. Following each semester, a detailed progress report is issued to provide valuable feedback on student learning.
  • The school week at BIS runs from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Saturday designated as weekends. The daily schedule is carefully designed to meet the learning needs of students at each stage of their development. For most students, the school day consists of five 45-minute periods and three 40-minute periods.
  • All students participate in a morning assembly that lasts 15 minutes before classes start. Attendance at the morning assembly is compulsory for both students and teachers, promoting a sense of community and school spirit.

Daily Attendance and Absence

  • Regular attendance is very important for the successful completion of the academic year, and students are expected to be punctual and present every day. Attendance is checked daily during the second session, and parents cannot excuse their children from quizzes, tests, or assignment deadlines.
  • Excused absences are permitted only for medical reasons or family emergencies. Parents are required to contact the school by 9:00 AM on any day a student is absent.
  • For absences extending beyond one day, a written note from a parent is required to justify the reason for the absence. If the absence is due to medical reasons, parents must also provide a medical report to validate the sick leave, along with the notification of the absence as previously mentioned.

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