School Uniform and Dress Code
- Wearing the school uniform fosters the professional image that BIS upholds and contributes to a disciplined environment that enhances our students’ commitment to learning. This policy also minimizes socioeconomic differences among students, allowing them to concentrate more on their studies.
- Students in all grades are required to wear the designated school uniform throughout the academic year, except on designated dress-down days, when a note from the school will permit casual attire. Specific clothing, such as sports uniforms, may be required for certain activities.
- Visible body piercings, tattoos, and nail polish are not permitted on campus, and hats may only be worn during outdoor activities.
Physical Education (PE) Uniform
- Students are required to wear the appropriate uniform and footwear for PE classes, including swimming, in accordance with the school uniform requirements. On days when PE classes are scheduled, students may wear their PE uniform throughout the day.
- The PE uniform must be worn starting from the first day of school. The uniform provider will be available on campus to sell uniforms from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM between August 1 and September 1. After this period.
Material and Supplies
Students are expected to Keep and bring all necessary supplies in line with the requirements of their subjects. Each student should have a fully equipped pencil case and materials as outlined in the grade-specific supply list distributed at the beginning of the school year.
All students’ belongings must be clearly labeled with their name and class. The school is not responsible for items that are not labeled. Items that should be labeled include:
- Lunch boxes, pencil cases, bags, water bottles, USB drives, etc.
- Uniform items must also be clearly labeled.
Lost and Found
In case that a student may lose an item, he or she should head to the Lost and Found room at the social worker’s office. All unclaimed items will be displayed during parents’ meetings in the reception. All the remaining items would be donated to local charity organizations.
Dress Code Violation
- The student will receive a verbal warning, and the parent will be informed of the violation.
- Parents will be contacted to pick up the student from school.
- The student’s attendance will be suspended until the parents demonstrate a commitment to ensuring compliance with the dress code.