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Teaching and Learning Guidelines

Our program focuses on the methods of instruction we employ. By posing key questions that stimulate critical thinking, we strive to connect students’ real-life experiences with the knowledge they acquire through their education. Consequently, our teaching and learning approach is centered around inquiry-based learning and Project-based Learning.

We promote a well-rounded and balanced range of teaching methods and grouping strategies, allowing for flexibility between individual and group work within the classroom. We train our teachers to develop effective educational materials and encourage them to implement innovative teaching techniques. Our teaching strategies empower students to take ownership of their own learning. A key component of this approach is blended learning, where teachers utilize various digital resources and design a sequence of tasks that guide students towards achieving the desired learning outcomes, often referred to as a flipped classroom

Engaging students in the learning process is increasingly essential. We believe that by integrating technology and enhancing their educational experience, we can inspire greater interest, responsibility, and motivation to achieve academic success.

Utilizing technology and digital tools is crucial for enabling students to create high-quality learning experiences. Therefore, we are committed to providing rich, diverse, and flexible learning opportunities tailored to a digital generation.


Educational D, intersection of 300th Street with 292nd Street, Fourth Section, New Maadi, behind Palestine Square

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